CBD Oil to help Dogs with Dementia

Just as humans can sometimes suffer cognitive problems and dementia as they get older, animals can also experience similar issues. Even our beloved canine companions can struggle with dog dementia as they get older, which can lead to a wide range of symptoms and a lot of challenges for both the dog and its owners.

Dementia in dogs is more common than you might think, with experts explaining that almost every elderly dog shows at least some symptoms of cognitive trouble in their later years. PetMD states that “Clinical signs of cognitive dysfunction syndrome are found in nearly one in three dogs over the age of 11, and by the age of 16, nearly all dogs display at least one sign.”

The term ‘dementia in dogs’ actually covers four different cognitive conditions – dysthymia, involutive depression, hyper-aggression, and confusional syndrome. All of these conditions are caused by the gradual weakening of the brain and the decline of cognitive functioning in canines.

Each one can have different effects. Dysthymia, for example, makes the dog less aware of its own size, leading to them getting stuck and bumping into things. Hyper-aggression, meanwhile, makes it difficult for dogs to communicate with other beings and can result in them becoming very aggressive.

Regardless of the specific nature of the problem, dementia dog can be a very scary challenge for owners to have to face up to. Fortunately, dogs with dementia can be treated. The condition can’t be cured or reversed, but there are ways to ease a dog’s symptoms and give them a better quality of life, including CBD oil for dogs with dementia.

Causes and Signs of Dementia in Dogs

Many people ask the question of “Can dogs have dementia?” and are surprised to learn that they can. In actual fact, the process of developing dementia in dogs is very similar to humans. In simple terms, as dogs get older, just like people, their brains can start to weaken as cells begin to die. Over time, this results in reduced brain function and impaired cognitive abilities. 

The exact causes of this kind of problem are not known at the moment, but research is ongoing to find out more. Some scientists believe that strokes and lifestyle factors such as diet and amount of exercise can contribute to a dog’s chances of developing dementia. Others state that the simple process is aging is the main cause of the issue.

Tom Duncan of the University of Sydney’s Brain and Mind Centre explains that a big reason why the rates of dog dementia are rising in modern times is quite simply because dogs are living longer, stating “We are prolonging the lives of dogs far beyond what a wild dog would be expected to live to.” Because of this, it’s more likely for dementia to develop.

Regardless of the reasoning and causes behind the condition, there are several possible dog dementia symptoms and signs that owners can watch out for, including the following:

  • Confusion 
  • Irritability 
  • Growling 
  • Barking 
  • Biting 
  • Difficulty with learning new things 
  • Not self-grooming Incontinence 
  • Lack of appetite 
  • Forgetting rules and standards of the home 
  • Different sleep patterns

Traditional Treatment Options for Dog Dementia

When it comes to treating dementia dogs, it’s important to note that a diagnosis of dementia doesn’t have to signify the end of a dog’s life. Many people feel that euthanasia is the only option at this stage and ask dog dementia when to put down. However, it’s still possible for dogs with this condition to continue living and sharing precious moments with their friends and family.

While the condition cannot be cured in any way, there are options out there to help out. Many vets will recommend changes to a dog’s surroundings and lifestyle in order to make them more comfortable. For example, adding night lights around the home can help dogs get around more easily and safely. Potty pads will also help them if they’re struggling with incontinence, and adjustment of furniture can be used to make the place safer.

Veterinarians may also be able to prescribe various forms of medication and behavioral therapy to help dogs with dementia feel comfortable and safe. They may also recommend making some changes to their diet, adding in supplements and new foods that can strengthen the brain and slow the progress of the degeneration.

CBD Oil for Dog Dementia

Another option that owners may consider is dog dementia medicine CBD oil. CBD oil is made from industrial hemp plants. Its key ingredient is CBD, also known as cannabidiol, which is a safe and natural chemical compound found in hemp and cannabis.

CBD is able to interact with a dog’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is a complex cell-signaling system found in humans and animals alike. When CBD works with the ECS, it can trigger various positive effects around the body. 

Studies and reports have shown that CBD can help to reduce stress and anxiety associated with dementia in dogs, ease their aggressive tendencies if they have any, and soothe and pain or inflammation they may develop too. 

Some studies have also linked CBD with neuroprotective properties, helping to slow the progress of conditions like dementia and help dogs lead happier and more fulfilling lives, even in old age. 

What’s more, there are many anecdotal reports of owners who have given CBD for dog dementia a try. Many of them have reported very positive results from using this product, with a lot of people saying that their dogs showed major improvements within a matter of days.

The exact benefits can vary from case to case, but a lot of dog owners have seen measurable impacts when switching to CBD oil for their pets. Dogs that are given this oil tend to be more reactive, responsive, and comfortable, enjoying a better quality of life overall.

CBD oil for dog dementia has only a minimal risk of minor side effects and is regarded as very easy to give to dogs. Owners can simply use a CBD dosage calculator to work out the right dose, based on their dog’s weight. Then, they can drip the right amount of oil into the dog’s food.

Cannabinoid Calculator for the Perfect CBD Oil Dosage

So how do you actually give CBD oil to dogs with dementia correctly? Well, the first key is to make sure that you’re using the right dose, as insufficient or excess amounts may not be quite right for your dog.

If you give a dog too much CBD oil, for example, it might be more likely to experience minor side effects like tiredness or hunger. If you don’t give the dog enough, it might not really feel any advantages and the oil will be wasted.

You have to get the dose just right, and it can be hard to know how much to use on your own. Cannabinoid Calculator can help with this. Our simple to use tool will tell you exactly how much CBD you need to give to your canine companion.


It can be very scary and saddening to learn that your dog has developed dementia. They might not quite the same as before, acting and responding in ways you might not be used to. However, it is possible to live with a dog with dementia and adapt to their changing abilities. With love, care, and the right treatments, you can give your dog many more happy times by your side.


What is dog dementia?

Dog dementia is very similar to dementia in people. It’s a degenerative condition in which the brain cells die off and cognitive function begins to decrease. This can lead to a range of different symptoms and may result in dogs seeming to change character or behavior.

What causes dog dementia?

Scientists are still unsure of the exact causes of dog dementia. Studies are ongoing to try and find out more. One of the simplest causes is the aging process. As dogs get older, their brain cells naturally begin to die, and this can affect their brain function.

How does CBD treat dog dementia?

CBD oil for dog dementia can be used to ease the symptoms of this condition. It can help to alleviate stress and anxiety and promote feelings of calm and relaxation in dogs with dementia. Some studies have also shown that CBD can help to slow the development of dementia and protect the brain.

How to take CBD Oil for dog dementia?

CBD oil dog dementia is really easy to use. You can use a CBD calculator to work out the ideal dose, which may vary based on your dog’s weight, and then drop it into their food. It’s also possible to drop the oil directly into a dog’s mouth, but some dogs may not like this.


  1. https://www.petmd.com/dog/conditions/neurological/c_dg_cognitive_dysfunction_syndrome
  2. https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2019-09-08/dog-dementia-more-common-as-pets-live-longer/11481852

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