Insomnia and the benefits of CBD oil

Insomnia is the inability to either fall asleep, or to stay asleep for sustained periods of time. As sleep is an essential part of health, over time insomnia can cause a variety of other health problems, both physically and mentally. Someone who has problems sleeping is known as an insomniac.

Insomniacs may lay awake for long periods when trying to go to sleep, or wake up several times during the night and have problems falling asleep again. They may also go to sleep well, but wake during the early hours and be unable to go back to sleep. This accumulated lack of sleep leads to impairment during the day, cause low moods, anxiety, and makes it hard to concentrate on daily tasks. Left untreated, insomnia can have a detrimental effect of quality of life.

Insomnia causes are different for everyone, but may include:

  • stress – either chronic stress or experiencing difficulties in life
  • anxiety and depression
  • drinking too many caffeinated drinks
  • uncomfortable room temperature – too hot or cold
  • recreational drug use
  • unusual sleep patterns, such as those who work night shifts
  • naps during the day

Sometimes insomnia could be caused by an underlying illness or mental health condition, so if you have any concerns it is a good idea to see a doctor. Conditions that may cause insomnia as a symptom include:

  • bipolar disorder
  • schizophrenia
  • dementia
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • sleep apnoea
  • narcolepsy
  • overactive thyroid

For most people, insomnia does get better when the underlying causes are addressed, as well as making lifestyle changes and making use of different treatments.

Traditional Treatment Options for Insomnia

Insomnia is usually treated by changing the habits that hinder getting a good night’s sleep. Helping the body and mind to relearn how to go to sleep, and creating the right conditions to get good quality sleep, insomnia symptoms usually improve.

To do this, lifestyle changes are often required, such as improving stress management and changing bad sleep habits, such as frequent napping that prevents quality sleep during the night. Regular exercise may help people feel more physically tired and improve mood, and this reduces stress and could help people fall asleep more quickly.

A regular bedtime routine can also help improve insomnia. Stopping screen time an hour before bed, not looking at screens while in bed, having a relaxing bath, and not eating too close to bedtime may all help condition the mind and body for a healthy night’s sleep.

There are medications available for insomnia, either prescribed or over-the-counter. While these medicines may work as a short-term solution, people may become dependent on them or endure unwanted side-effects. They are also no substitute for a natural night’s sleep.

A doctor may also recommend cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) if the reason for insomnia is as a result of stress or other mental strain. This is so the thoughts and patterns of behaviour that create insomnia can be understood, and changed.

There are also supplements that are effective in treating insomnia. CBD oil has shown to have beneficial effects on insomnia, as well as co-existing conditions such as stress, anxiety and depression.

CBD Oil for Insomnia

CBD oil is a popular supplement than many use for sleep disorders such as insomnia. CBD is a cannabinoid found in hemp plants, a strain of cannabis. Unlike marijuana, another strain of cannabis, hemp does not make users feel high, as it contains different levels of cannabinoids, and only trace amounts of THC, the cannabinoid that is high in marijuana.

Cannabinoids interact with the endocannabinoid system in the body and bring a variety of therapeutic and restorative effects, including the treatment of sleep disorders.

CBD is known for its soothing effects on anxiety, and this may in turn improve symptoms of insomnia that are caused by stress and anxiety. A study into the effects of cannabidiol, sleep and anxiety1 showed that in patients who were gives 25mg of CBD per day, “anxiety scores decreased within the first month in 57 patients (79.2%) and remained decreased during the study duration. Sleep scores improved within the first month in 48 patients (66.7%)” This suggests that using CBD oil will help to improve sleep, as well as anxiety-related sleep insomnia in the majority of people who try it.

When looking for the best CBD oil for insomnia, it is always a good idea to go for the best quality oil you can find. Look for CBD brands that have a good reputation and customer satisfaction, that make oils using organic hemp, safe CBD extraction methods, and follow good manufacturing practices. Not only will high grade CBD bring the best results, but they also offer better value for money over cheaper, lower quality oils.

The most effective CBD oil dosage for insomnia will differ depending on each individual. A person’s age, sex, weight and height can all be a factor in deciding the correct CBD oil dosage. Thankfully, our CBD dosage calculator takes all of the guesswork out of finding the best starting dose for your needs. Simply enter a few details about you and your condition for a personalised recommended CBD dosage displayed on your screen. We also send to your preferred email address for reference.

The effects of having no sleep, or fragmented sleep, can cause a number of problems for health and well-being. It is also very frustrating for to lay there, knowing that you need sleep, yet you just seem to be watching the hours tick by. This is where CBD oil can really help to soothe anxiety and lower frustration levels, helping people fall asleep and improve quality of sleep.

What you need to know about CBD Oil, Insomnia and its causes

What is insomnia?

Insomnia is a consistent disrupted pattern of sleep, or problems with falling asleep. People with insomnia are often tired during the day, are less able to perform daily tasks, have impaired concentration and low moods. Over time, lack of quality sleep can bring other health problems, such as having lower immunity.

What causes insomnia?

One of the most common causes of insomnia is anxiety and depression. When feeling stressed and anxious, it can be difficult to ‘switch off’ and relax. Lifestyle habits also play a role, such as drinking too much caffeine, working unsociable hours or eating late in the evening. Often, changing some of these habits can help with insomnia. Occasionally, insomnia could be a symptom of an underlying condition.

Is CBD oil effective for insomnia?

There has been some promising research into CBD and insomnia, and so far studies have shown that CBD is effective in improving sleep for the majority of people who take it. Using a quality oil is recommended for the most therapeutic results, and finding the optimal CBD dosage is also essential.

How much CBD oil should you take for insomnia?

Not everyone will respond to the same dosage of CBD for insomnia, meaning different people require different doses based upon their individual needs. The best CBD oil dose depends on factors such as age, weight, height and sex, as well as the severity of their insomnia, and the reasons why they have it. To get the best starting dosage for you, use our CBD oil calculator for a personalised recommendation.



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