Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia that gets progressively worse over time. It affects a person’s long and short term memory, as well as other cognitive abilities, and has a debilitating effect on quality of life. This disease may progress quickly or slowly, depending on the individual.
There are a range of Alzheimer’s symptoms, yet much of it is seen as ‘signs of aging’ so the illness can go unnoticed for some time before diagnosis. Symptoms include forgetfulness, being unable to find the correct words, repeating oneself, and finding decision making difficult. In later stages, symptoms become more severe, such as being unable to recognise familiar faces, becoming confused, and being unable to communicate. As the illness progresses, it affects physical and mental ability to an extent that the sufferer needs constant care.
Alzheimer’s is most common in those over the age of 65, but it can affect younger people, known as early onset Alzheimer’s. Currently, there are no available cures for Alzheimer’s, so not only does it impact the life of the sufferer, but it also has significant emotional effects on their loved ones.
While no cure has yet been found, there are a range of treatment options available to manage the symptoms and to slow down the progression of the disease.
Traditional treatment options for Alzheimer’s
Currently there is no Alzheimer’s cure, but there are a number of medications available to help slow down the progression, and to temporarily provide relief from some of the symptoms. Most of these medicines work to increase the levels of acetylcholine in the brain, which enhances the way that nerve cells communicate with one another.
Unfortunately, those with moderate to severe Alzheimer’s may display a range of behaviours that are both challenging for carers and dangerous to the sufferer. This includes increased agitation, delusions, becoming lost in familiar surroundings and more. Medications such as anti-depressants or anti-psychotics are often used to help manage these kind of symptoms.
Other treatments that can help people have a better quality of life while suffering with Alzheimer’s are therapies that include activities to stimulate cognitive activity. This could be taking part in group activities, using photos or items to bring up past memories, or activities that help with problem solving. In addition to medication, these types of therapy can have a beneficial effect of happiness and well-being.
CBD oil for Alzheimer’s
CBD oil is known to have calming effects, as well as being a compound that is good for lowering inflammation, making it a beneficial supplement for Alzheimer’s sufferers.
CBD also helps to support healthy brain functioning. One study by California’s Salk Institute1 showed that THC, a cannabinoid in full spectrum CBD oil, helps to prevent the build-up of protein in the brain, a key marker of Alzheimer’s.
CBD and other cannabinoids can also help to increase the connections between brain cells, and as such reduce the severity of Alzheimer’s symptoms or slow down its progression. Clinical trials carried out by Australian researchers Tim Carl and Carl Group2 showed that CBD enhances brain cell growth, therefore slowing the decline in in cognitive function.
CBD is a natural anti-inflammatory. Inflammation in the brain may increase the severity of Alzheimer’s symptoms, so taking CBD may help to reduce brain inflammation and make symptoms more manageable.
While the potential of CBD oil as a treatment for the physiological effects Alzheimer’s looks promising, there are more beneficial results for well-being. One of the best ways that CBD oil can be used for Alzheimer’s patients is for managing symptoms of anxiety and agitation.
Side effects or risks in using CBD oil for Alzheimer’s disease
CBD is considered safe to use even at high doses. As with any health supplement, there may be some drug interactions that are not suitable, such as blood thinners or medications used to support the liver. For guidance, it is recommended to check with a doctor if you are concerned about possible interactions with other medications.
Side effects of CBD oil are rare and not usually a cause for concern. Mild side effects are the most common, and include a change in appetite or mood. Some users may feel more tired than usual. Rarely, CBD may cause some digestive issues.
When side effects are experienced, it is usually because the right CBD dosage has not yet been discovered. If you’re not sure where to begin, find the right dose for you by using the CBD oil dosage calculator.
CBD oil dosage for Alzheimer’s
If using CBD oil for the first time, or relief from symptoms is not yet apparent, you may need help in finding the right dose. It can be confusing when searching online for the right CBD dosage for Alzheimer’s, so this is where our CBD calculator is useful. Not only does this enable you to find the right dose to treat the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, but it also helps you to avoid any possible side effects.
CBD oil is a supplement used to provide relief not just for slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s, but the associated symptoms that it brings. Depressive and anxiety related conditions are often made worse through illnesses like dementia, and CBD can be used to bring a sense of calm and uplift in mood.
As part of an overall care routine, CBD oil is a supplement that can enhance quality of life for those who suffer from Alzheimer’s.
Important things you should know about Alzheimer’s
Alzheimer’s is a degenerative type of dementia that affects a person’s memory and other cognitive functions. It’s most common in those over the age of 65, but early onset Alzheimer’s can affect people as young as 40. So far, there is no cure and the condition worsens over time. However, there are prescribed medications to slow down the severity of the condition, and supplements such as CBD are showing to be beneficial in managing some of the symptoms.
Early signs of Alzheimer’s are easily mistaken for general signs of aging. This includes forgetfulness, not being able to find the right words to use, and feeling less able to make decisions. As the disease progresses, symptoms may increase to being lost in familiar surroundings, not being able to recognise family or friends, and increased anxiety. Eventually, physical co-ordination is affected, and the sufferer will need 24/7 care.
CBD is beneficial in supporting healthy brain function and improving the way in which brain cells connect. In this way, CBD could help to slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s. The anti-inflammatory effects of CBD also help to relieve symptoms, while the THC in full spectrum CBD oil has been shown to reduce the build-up of protein in the brain. CBD oil is also useful in managing the symptoms of anxiety that often accompany Alzheimer’s, and increase well-being.
Side effects from using CBD oils are rare, and very mild, even at high doses. Most common side effects include changes in appetite, mood and sleep. The best way to avoid side effects is to take the correct dosage, as is shown by the CBD oil calculator.