Epilepsy is a condition that causes seizures, caused by a surge of electrical activity in the brain. It most commonly begins in childhood, or in those over sixty, however it can affect people of any age. Once people have epilepsy, it is something they have for life, yet the symptoms may improve with age.
The types of epilepsy differ and because seizures affect different parts of the brain, not everyone has the same epilepsy symptoms or triggers. For example, there is temporal lobe epilepsy where seizures may make a person lose consciousness, juvenile myoclonic epilepsy where a person may be aware they are having a seizure, and photosensitive epilepsy where seizures are brought on by flashing lights, contrasting colours and patterns.
There are many types of seizures, ranging from mild where a person is aware of what is happening, to a complete epileptic fit that takes over body and mind. The most common effects of seizures are:
- fitting, uncontrollable movements in the body
- becoming rigid
- passing out
- collapsing
- unusual sensations in the limbs
- unusual smells or tastes in the mouth
Seizures may also have triggers, such as stress, sleep deprivation, the menstrual cycle in women, alcohol and medications.
Sometimes epilepsy has a clear cause, such as brain damage caused by an injury, drug abuse, stroke, tumour, or low oxygen levels at birth. For some there is no clear reason why epilepsy develops, although it could be hereditary, known as idiopathic epilepsy.
Traditional Treatment Options for Epilepsy
Epilepsy medications are used to help reduce the number of seizures a person has, and may stop them completely. These medications work by changing the balance of chemicals in the brain, however they do not cure epilepsy. Seizures may return when medication is stopped. The type of medication used will depend on a person’s age and the severity of their epilepsy symptoms. Epilepsy drugs can also cause unpleasant side-effects, such as fatigue and drowsiness, agitation, headaches, tremors and rashes.
Sometimes, symptoms of epilepsy do not respond to medication and can be difficult to manage. This is known as intractable epilepsy, where seizures cannot be controlled, and it affects approximately 1 in 3 people who have the condition. Understandably, this can have a serious effect on a person’s quality of life, especially when seizures are frequent.
Brain surgery as a treatment for epilepsy is also an option, and is often considered when medications do not stop the symptoms. As with any surgery on the brain, it carries a risk of complications. Extensive tests are carried out beforehand to see whether it is possible to remove the part of the brain that is affected, and recovery time could take months.
Another treatment for epilepsy involves electrical impulses to the brain, sent via the vagus nerve that runs from the stomach to the brain. Rather like a pacemaker, a small device is inserted into the chest, connected to the vagus nerve, and a small pulses of electricity are sent to the brain. This may help reduce the frequency of seizures.
As the traditional treatments for epilepsy are known to have side-effects or are intrusive to the body, many look for natural alternatives. A healthy diet and learning what triggers to avoid can help reduce symptoms, as do health supplements such as CBD oil.
CBD Oil for Epilepsy
Cannabidiol (CBD) oil is a compound derived from cannabis plants, specifically hemp. Hemp does not make users high like marijuana, which contains high amounts of the chemical THC. Hemp CBD oil does not induce feelings of euphoria and is not addictive. It is considered safe for adults, children and animals to use as a supplement to benefit health. While THC levels in some CBD oil are negligible, you can also purchase CBD oil with zero THC.
CBD oil has shown great promise in the treatment of epilepsy, and there is both anecdotal evidence and scientific research showing the benefits. Epilepsy Action Australia1 discusses the outcomes of various worldwide studies into epilepsy and CBD, and states that, “There is evidence that cannabis can be helpful in controlling seizures in some cases, especially for difficult to control syndromes like Dravet Syndrome in children and Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (LGS).”
Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome are drug-resistant forms of epilepsy, so CBD oil has a great potential to relieve symptoms where medications do not work. Another benefit of using CBD oil for epilepsy is that side-effects are usually mild, and being able to manage the condition with less medications is a favourable option.
To get the best therapeutic levels of CBD for epilepsy, the right dosage is essential. As no two people are the same, CBD dosage for epilepsy will also differ. The best way to work out the correct CBD oil dosage is by using our CBD oil dosage calculator. By inputting a few details about a person and their condition, you get a personalised recommended CBD oil dosage in minutes.
Not all CBD oil is equal in manufacturing practice or quality. It is important to source the best CBD oil for epilepsy, and that is high quality and pharmaceutical grade oil from a trusted supplier. This is because only the purest CBD oils bring the most potent benefits to health and gets the best results.
For those who have epilepsy, CBD oil can offer some hope in providing relief from seizures. Epilepsy in adults, children or even epilepsy in dogs may respond to CBD oil, improving symptoms and creating a better quality of life. As research continues into CBD oil and epilepsy, the more will be discovered about how it can be further used as a treatment.
Things you need to know about CBD and Epilepsy
Epilepsy is a condition that causes people to have seizures, produced by a sudden burst of electrical activity in the brain. There are different types of epilepsy and different types of seizures. Epilepsy usually develops in childhood, or in those over sixty years old. The cause of epilepsy can be obvious, such as after an injury or stroke, it may be genetic, or there may be no obvious cause.
Treatments for epilepsy usually consist of medications that are designed to alter the balance of chemicals in the brain, thereby reducing frequency and severity of seizures. However, some types of epilepsy do not respond to medications. There are more intrusive treatment options such as brain surgery and nerve stimulation that may help some people. Other ways to treat epilepsy is to avoid known triggers and use health supplements such as CBD oil.
Early studies into the effects of CBD oil for epilepsy show promising results, with the majority of subjects showing a reduction in the frequency of seizures. It is especially good news for those people whose epilepsy does not respond to traditional medications.
The best therapeutic CBD dosage for epilepsy will differ from person to person. Factors such as age and height make a difference, so that’s why we recommend our CBD oil dosage calculator. From a few personal details, you get a recommended dose that it tailored to individual needs.