CBD as a treatment for ADHD

ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and it is a condition that affects behaviour. People with ADHD typically have problems with concentration, may seem restless, and not conform to behaviour that is expected from society. Symptoms usually present themselves from an early age, and the condition is usually diagnosed in childhood. 

While there are some common ADHD symptoms, not all people will show them to the same extent. Symptoms tend to show in three categories: those that relate to inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and those to do with impulsiveness. Most people with ADHD have symptoms from all categories, but it is also common to have symptoms from one category. Those without hyperactivity symptoms are said to have ADD, or Attention Deficit Disorder, rather than ADHD.

Inattentiveness symptoms:

  • low concentration
  • prone to making avoidable mistakes
  • becoming distracted
  • unable to follow instructions
  • being unorganised

Hyperactivity symptoms:

  • swapping quickly from task to task
  • unable to sit still
  • excessive talking

Impulsiveness symptoms:

  • interrupting others
  • being unable to wait for their turn
  • little awareness of danger

These symptoms are hard to hide in children, especially once they begin school. As ADHD sufferers grow through their teens and into adulthood, their symptoms may not be as obvious, but still have a significant effect on daily life.

Traditional treatment options for ADHD

Medication is often the first option for treating the symptoms of ADHD. Often, these medicines are needed daily, especially for children who need to be able to concentrate and be calm in a learning environment. 

While ADHD medication is effective in helping people be less impulsive, or improving concentration, they do come with side effects. These include trouble sleeping, digestive issues, mood swings, dizziness and weight gain or loss.

Other traditional treatments for ADHD are therapies that help to train ADHD sufferers to better manage their condition. This includes training on behaviour, such as introducing rewards and praise for younger children to reinforce expected behaviour, training for social skills that may include role plays, and educating about ADHD so that the person is aware of the condition and how it effects them. 

Training plays a vital role for parents, carers and teachers in helping support those with ADHD, as being educated in the latest news and techniques means they are in the best position to help someone with ADHD thrive. Carers may also need support themselves, as looking after someone with ADHD may be a constant role, depending on how much the symptoms effect the individual.

In addition to these traditional treatments, a healthy lifestyle and diet may also play a role in helping to manage symptoms of ADHD. Supplements are also useful, such as CBD oils.

CBD oil for ADHD

CBD (cannabidiol) is a cannabinoid found in hemp plants, and it has been shown to have a number of beneficial effects on health and mental well-being. Unlike the cannabinoid THC that is often used recreationally by marijuana users, CBD from hemp does not produce any high and is safe to use for both adults and children.

Considering the side effects of ADHD medication, it is easy to see why supplements such as CBD are used either alongside medications, or sometimes as an alternative.

CBD oil ADHD research has shown some promising signs in the direct treatment of symptoms. A study by the University of Albany, New York1, showed that patients reported a reduction in severity of symptoms when using medical cannabis, showing that cannabinoid receptors in the body may play a part in regulatory control.

CBD is also effective in managing the other conditions that occur alongside ADHD, such as anxiety and depression. Living with a chronic health condition requires robust coping mechanisms, and even then symptoms may be overwhelming at times. It is no wonder that anxiety and depression are prevalent in those with ADHD. Taking CBD oil can have a huge effect on mental well-being, and as a result improve the ability to manage other symptoms.

CBD has a balancing effect on the neurological system, so helps to provide relief from restlessness, sleep problems, mood and more. Because CBD gently raises the dopamine levels in the body, it helps to improve focus and concentration levels. For adult ADHD, this can improve the ability to perform daily tasks at home or at work, or at school for child ADHD.

When taking CBD oil, ADHD symptoms are better managed and it could also mean that lower doses of regular medications are needed. This has significant meaning for the health and well-being of the individual, as prolonged use of medication may cause further health problems in some.

How to take CBD oil for ADHD

CBD oil is safe to use, even a high doses. If taking other medications, especially for conditions to do with the liver, you should first check with a doctor about possible interactions. 

When choosing CBD oil for ADHD, it is important to source the highest quality products available in order to maximise the therapeutic benefits. Getting the right CBD dosage is also essential, and it can be confusing to work out what the right dose is. That is where our CBD oil dosage calculator can help. For the right CBD oil ADHD dosage, simply fill in a few details to do with the condition, and the correct dosage you need will be displayed on your screen.

There are an increasing number of studies into CBD oil and ADHD, and as more is discovered about the restorative properties of CBD, more of the beneficial effects will be known. As of now, CBD is a supplement that has many positive effects on symptoms associated with ADHD, particularly anxiety and depression. For this reason alone, CBD can make a difference to health and well-being. 

Using our CBD oil calculator takes the mystery out of finding the correct dose of CBD oil for treating symptoms of ADHD. Once you know the dosage, you can then buy CBD oil at strengths that give you the best value for money as well as the best benefits to health.

Things to know about ADHD

What is ADHD?

ADHD is a disorder that affects how a person behaves and their ability to concentrate. Symptoms include being hyperactive, being inattentive and also impulsive. It is typically diagnosed in childhood. Symptoms are present throughout life, and are managed through a combination of medication, therapy and complimentary supplements.

What is the difference between ADHD and ADD?

ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, whereas ADD stands for Attention Deficit Disorder. The disorders are similar, but difference is that people who show more signs of hyperactivity are diagnosed with ADHD, whereas those with ADD may only show signs of inattentiveness and impulsiveness.

How does CBD treat ADHD?

Cannabinoids have shown to have a beneficial effect on regulating many bodily and neurological processes, and users report a reduction in symptoms of ADHD. CBD is known to have a calming effect and improves symptoms of anxiety and depression that often co-exist with ADHD.

How to find the right CBD dose for ADHD

The right dose of CBD is key to getting effective relief from symptoms. Use our CBD oil calculator to get the optimal dosage for your condition, based on bodyweight and other information.


  1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24093525/

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